Last year, our sold-out conference (The Perfect Storm: investment and jobs or bureaucracy and stagnation), addressed the crisis in the property and construction sector by calling on local, provincial and national government to form partnerships with the industry, or risk seeing the entire sector fail.
One year later, the 2020 Conference will look at which collaborations have been successfully formed and implementations begun (for example, progress with the Western Cape Government Economic War Room), what is still needed, and how far we have moved towards accountability on all fronts (public and private sectors) in order to plot a workable vision for economic growth into the future.
Along with the sharing of information and critical debate, the 2020 conference will also showcase a number of best-practice collaborations, particularly between South African companies and governments abroad.
The programme with its subthemes is as follows. It is anticipated that the full speaker list will be published by the end of July. Early bird bookings are now open.
07h30-08h30 | Registration & refreshments |
08h30-08h40 | Welcome by MC Bruce Whitfield (Financial journalist/speaker/facilitator) |
08h40-09h30 | Address by Western Cape Premier Alan Winde: South Africa and the Western Cape in the next 10 years |
09h30-10h10 | Industry Response by Deon van Zyl, Chairperson, WCPDF |
10h10-10h40 | Refreshments |
10h40-11h20 | International speaker: What‘s in a vision? |
11h20-12h00 | International success story: Doing business elsewhere in Africa in the property development arena |
12h00-12h40 | Western Cape success story: The R300 Interchange |
12h40-13h40 | Networking buffet lunch. Afternoon MC Bafikile Simelane to welcome delegates back into the room. |
13h40-14h20 | Panel discussion: How to achieve more positive and progressive collaboration In a discussion to be moderated by afternoon MC, Bafikile Simelane, four panellists will present examples of highly successful Cape Town PPP collaborations that resulted in significant economic growth within the City of Cape Town and the Western Cape, with debate to ensue as to how this would be achieved once again under current circumstances. The projects to be featured will include the CTICC, the 2010 FIFA World Cup, the Cape Town Film Studio and bringing Amazon to Cape Town |
14h20-15h00 | Presentation: Legislative changes − Report back on the Commission on Legislation |
15h00-15h30 | Refreshments |
15h30-16h20 | Discussion: What‘s happening with the Public Private Growth Initiative? |
16h20-17h00 | Panel discussion: Where do all roads meet? National, Provincial & City Roads A panel discussion with high-level representation from the City of Cape Town, Western Cape Government and SANRAL |
07h30-08h30 | Registration & refreshments |
08h00-08h30 | Annual General Meeting of the WCPDF |
08h30-08h35 | Welcome by MC Bruce Whitfield (Financial journalist/speaker/facilitator) |
08h35-08h50 | Overview of Day 1: Rob MacPhail, Treasurer, WCPDF |
08h50-09h30 | Government Address: The success of the Department of Public Works |
09h30-10h10 | Presentation: The cost drivers in getting close to the market − congestion, time and land price |
10h10-10h40 | Refreshments |
10h40-11h20 | Presentation: Procuring for growth − best international practices |
11h20-12h00 | Presentation by Stellenbosch University: Principles of investment for growth − how to spend R2.1 billion in two years |
12h00-12h40 | Presentation: Transformation and succession in the South African industry |
12h40-13h40 | Networking buffet lunch. Afternoon MC Bafikile Simelane to welcome delegates back into the room. |
13h40-14h20 | Presentation: Enabling micro developers |
14h20-15h00 | Presentation: Self Certification |
15h00-15h30 | Refreshments |
15h30-16h10 | Panel discussion: Lessons learnt from the Western Cape Government Economic War Room |