WCPDF would like to acknowledge and sincerely thank the following speakers for sharing their expertise at the Vision for Growth Virtual Conference:
Andrew Boraine has been involved in South Africa’s political, local government, urban and economic development transition and change processes for the past 45 years, as student leader, anti-apartheid activist, advisor, negotiator, government planner, city manager, chief executive, facilitator, partnership and partnering specialist, systems change practitioner, designer, communicator and writer.
Andrew is the founder CEO of the Western Cape Economic Development Partnership (EDP), a collaborative intermediary organisation based in Cape Town. The EDP facilitates issue-based and area-based partnering solutions, as well as knowledge-sharing and learning, aimed at strengthening grassroots, local, metropolitan and regional development systems and processes.
The view Andrew’s full bio, please click here.
Andrew is facilitating the collaboration to achieve growth panel discussion following Lekha Allopi’s keynote address creating a culture of growth-related decision-making as well as the economic policy for growth panel discussion following Prof Kantor’s keynote address budgeting for growth at local municipality level on 21 May 2021.
Anne-Rine Brink is participating in the creating capacity for growth panel discussion on 20 May 2021 following Prof Altman’s keynote address public infrastructure delivery to support and stimulate economic growth and job creation where he is sharing his thoughts on PROCUREMENT FOR GROWTH:
Procuring for growth requires creativity. Economic growth and job creation depends on an efficient procurement strategy. Public procurement processes have unique characteristics. The challenge is to learn from the private sector approach to procurement where the emphasis is on buying efficiency and quality at fair price. Quick and efficient decision making and respect for tenderers is critical to elicit quality offers from suppliers. The culture of “spurious” tender assessment extensions and tender cancellation undermines constructive relationship between client and supplier. Ms Brink will therefore briefly outline what are the key principles that must be in place if we are to have a procurement system that will actually enable rather than impair growth.
Ashraf Adam has 28 years’ experience as a policy adviser, senior manager and thought leader across various spheres of business and government. Before joining the Mandela Bay Development Agency, Adam was the Executive Director for Economic Development at the South African Local Government Association (SALGA) from where he was seconded for 7 months to the MBDA as Acting Chief Executive Officer. Apart from urban renewal, the MBDA is also responsible for the management of the Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium and Uitenhage Resources Centre.
Adam’s obtained his Bachelor’s Degree in History and Political Science from the University of Durban. He then went on to obtain his Master’s Degree in Town and Regional Planning from the University of Natal with his Mini Thesis titled “Post-Apartheid Economic Restructuring: Prospects for Gentrification”.
Since then Ashraf Adam has attended and contributed to various conferences and seminars across the globe including, the World Urban Forum in Medellin, Municipal Climate Partnership in Senegal as well as Cities Alliance Summit in London amongst others.
Ashraf is participating in the collaboration to achieve growth panel discussion on 21 May 2021 following Lekha Allopi’s keynote address creating a culture of growth-related decision-making where he is sharing his views on WHY GROWTH MATTERS:
In an article published on the Mandela Bay Development Agency (MBDA) website, entitle “Carpetbaggers entrench underdevelopment”, CEO of the organization, Ashraf Adam, notes that one of the biggest failings of economic development within a municipality is the base future plans (such as Covid-19 recovery plans) on cut-and-paste models from previous plans.
He notes in particular: “As institutions on the frontline of service delivery, cities carry the ethical and financial responsibilities of human development. This will be achieved when officials trust their own skills, experience, and knowledge instead of relying on carpetbaggers whose advice entrenches the status quo.”
As the head of an organisation set up specifically to “develop an iconic world-class ocean city”, Mr Adam will briefly outline his experience of why “growth matters” to get past the otherwise status quo impasse.
Bafikile (Bonke) Simelane possesses a rich breadth and depth of experience as well as an intimate knowledge and understanding of Infrastructure Procurement and Delivery Management in the Built Environment, acquired in over 25 years in a variety of senior, strategic, executive management and leadership roles as a Project and Programme Manager in various private and public sector projects at National, Provincial and Local Government.
He has worked on some iconic projects such as 2010 FIFA World Cup and the Domestic Terminal Expansion (DOMTEX) at OR Tambo International Airport. He has served as Technical Assistant at National Treasury on the Infrastructure Delivery Improvement Programme (IDIP), and was also the Programme Manager on the NDPWI’s Programme for Accelerated Capital Expenditure (PACE).
Bonke was also the President of Master Builders South Africa (MBSA), 2016-2018 and was a catalyst for its Transformation Declaration which he co-authored during his Presidency. The Declaration continues to guide and inform MBSA’s transformation efforts and trajectory.
Bonke is the current Vice-President of the South African Council for the Project and Construction Management Professions (SACPCMP), serves on the Management Committee of the Western Cape Property Development Forum (WCPDF) and is also a Director at project management firm, AL&A.
Bonke is facilitating the creating capacity for growth panel discussion on 20 May 2021 following Prof Altman’s keynote address public infrastructure delivery to support and stimulate economic growth and job creation.
Bonang Francis Mohale is the Chancellor of the University of the Free State, Professor of Practice in the Johannesburg Business School (JBS) College of Business and Economics, Chairman of The Bidvest Group Limited and Chairman of SBV. He is a highly respected South African businessman, who is known as much for his patriotism and his active role in seeking to advance the country’s interests. He is the Author of the best-selling book, ‘Lift As You Rise’, launched in November 2018, a compilation of some of his spoken and written words in which Mohale reveals the issues he is passionate about – among them leadership, transformation, people development, constructive collaboration and integrity.
Prof Mohale was the Chief Executive Officer of Business Leadership South Africa (BLSA) till June 2019 – a forum which brings together the leadership of South Africa’s most successful and influential big business and multinational investors to exchange ideas, facilitate effective dialogue with government and other stakeholders and advocate for pro-business, economically sustainable policies and programmes. Prior to joining BLSA, Mr Mohale ended a distinguished term as Vice President Upstream and Chairman of Shell South Africa (Pty) Limited at the end of June 2017.
Prof Mohale, who originally studied to be a medical doctor, has had a distinguished career at the helm and in leadership roles of several major South African and multinational companies; including Otis Elevators, South African Airways, Sanlam Limited and Drake & Scull Integrated Facilities Management. He currently serves on the Boards of Swiss Re Africa Limited, Rand Merchant Bank Limited (RMB) and SBV.
Prof Mohale has an impressive track record of building successful companies, delivering results and making significant advances in transformation in the companies he has been privileged to lead. He has been a vocal, courageous and active proponent of transformation since the 1980s, and played a leadership role in the Black Management Forum (BMF) for over 33 years, where he was the president.
Prof Mohale is participating in the creating capacity for growth panel discussion on 20 May 2021 following Prof Altman’s keynote address public infrastructure delivery to support and stimulate economic growth and job creation where he is sharing his thoughts on WHAT WE NEED FOR GROWTH:
In an article published on news24.com on 14 July 2020, Prof Mohale made a point very much in agreement with our “Vision for Growth” message regarding the public and private sector putting aside their differences and coming together in a partnership. Since that article was written, it is debatable as to what has yet been implemented towards this.
To quote from the article: “Twenty-six years into democracy, we have squandered both our social and political capital. What is needed now, more than ever, is an integrated national effort by all South Africans to re-establish a sense of greater good. It might be more useful to focus on those things that are common among us than on those where we might differ.”
What, then, do we need for growth, again as per the article and to quote Prof Mohale: “We need to harness the pockets of excellence in the public sector together with the huge managerial capacity in the private sector. We still urgently need far-reaching structural economic reforms and fiscal austerity” and he also notes: “A recurring conclusion across most sectors is that infrastructure is a key enabler which must be addressed with urgency if businesses are to deliver inclusive growth. A constructive, effective policy framework is required to support and sustain growth.”
Professor Brian Kantor is one of South Africa’s pre-eminent economists and his research over the years has focused on monetary and financial economics. He is currently the Chairman of the Research Institute at Investec Wealth and Investment, where he was formerly the Chief Investment Strategist and Economist. This followed a long academic career at the University of Cape Town where he is still Professor Emeritus and where he started as a junior lecturer in 1964 to eventually become first a Professor in 1981 and ultimately the Head of the School of Economics until 1990. He then served as Dean of the Faculty of Commerce from 1997 to 2001. He was the chairperson of the Board of JSE-listed Acucap Properties Limited before its acquisition by Growthpoint, and a Founding Chairperson of Victoria & Alfred Waterfront (Proprietary) Limited (from 1988 to 2001). In 2006, he received the Judges Award, Cape TimesKPMG Business Personality of the Year in recognition of this work. His 2017 book, Get South Africa Growing (Jonathan Ball), advances spirited economic arguments for freer markets and less government intervention and regulation of the South African economy. He is also a regular contributor to a variety of media channels on issues relating to the South African and global economy.
Prof Kantor will be delivering the keynote address on BUDGETING FOR GROWTH AT LOCAL MUNICIPALITY LEVEL during the economic policy for growth conference session on 21 May 2021:
At the WCPDF’s 2019 conference, Prof Kantor took the City of Cape Town to task for underspending its budget. Indeed, his viewpoint – that government must be more progressive and investment-friendly through the spending of budget – is well known. How, then, should any municipality approach not only the allotment of its income but ensure that the rollout – in terms of actually spending ratepayers’ money – occurs effectively. In essence, what can a local authority do to assist with the overall economic recovery of the country?
Carshif Talip is a Professional Civil Engineer, with over 20 years’ experience leading the planning, development, and delivery of multi-disciplinary projects across the public and private sectors.
His experience includes leading a multidisciplinary team focused on the infrastructure planning of large real estate projects in the United Arab Emirates where he was based for over four years.
Carshif is a strong advocate for innovation and digital engineering and has been instrumental in embedding these at Zutari where he serves as Expertise Leader for Land Infrastructure and Urban Planning.
Recent flagship projects include being part of the professional teams for the redevelopment of the River Club and Conradie Better Living Model Project.
Carshif is participating in the creating capacity for growth panel discussion on 20 May 2021 following Prof Altman’s keynote address public infrastructure delivery to support and stimulate economic growth and job creation where he is sharing his thoughts on INFRASTRUCTURE CAPACITY FOR GROWTH:
In a recent post published on the Zutari website, Carshif discusses how: “The pace of urbanisation in Africa over the last 60 years is without precedent. As communities continue to expand, adequate and sustainable infrastructure is vital to the future of our cities.”
Noting that, in Africa, the stumbling blocks towards achieving this are: “…rapid urbanisation, informality, inadequate infrastructure and polarized development,” he also says: “When it comes to urban development, stakeholders often operate in silos. Government, the private sector, non-profit organisations and communities will all have their own drivers and agendas, making it a complex process to create and expand cities that truly benefit citizens.”
For his role as a panellist on 20 May, Carshif will bring this closer to home – to the Western Cape and in particular Cape Town – and briefly break down exactly what is required in our region of South Africa to move past the current stalemates the property development and construction communities face in our neck of the woods. How then do we get all services into position, because when one fails us (such as waste water treatment capacity), all others fail as well.
Cas Coovadia is CEO of Business Unity South Africa (BUSA) and the former Managing Director of The Banking Association SA (BASA). He is the Chairperson of the National Business Initiative. He serves on the Board of the Centre for Development & Enterprise. He is the immediate past President of the International Banking Federation (IBFed). He serves as a Council member of the University of Witwatersrand. He is also on the board of the Nepad Business Foundation. He also serves on the Steering Committee of the CEO Initiative.
Cas obtained his B. Com from the University College – Durban in 1971. He completed the Housing Finance Course with the Wharton Real Estate Centre at the University of Pennsylvania. He also completed the Effective Directors Programme with the Kagiso School of Leadership. He has contributed to numerous articles and publications on housing finance, civil society, local government and the role of civic organisations in governance.
Cas is participating in the economic policy for growth panel discussion on 21 May 2021 following Prof Kantor’s keynote address budgeting for growth at local municipal level where he is sharing A FINANCING PERSPECTIVE:
Prior to his appointment in 2020 as the CEO of Business Unity South Africa, Mr Coovadia spent 15 years as the Managing Director of The Banking Association SA (BASA) and is uniquely positioned to offer an introductory overview of financing post Covid-19 as well as in the light of a number of rating agencies’ downgrades. Speaking in an Harvard Business School interview on “Creating Emerging Markets”, he noted: “You can’t compartmentalise business and government and society and so on – the world has gotten to a space where the success of business, sound governance, the success of society and ordinary people are totally interlinked. So if you want to play a leadership role, you’ve got to recognize that, in whatever area of leadership you’re involved in, you’ve got to provide the sort of leadership that that area progresses in a way that actually makes a positive difference in the other areas.”
Deon van Zyl holds degrees in Architecture from the University of the Free State and a master’s degree in Urban Design from the University of Cape Town. He cut his teeth in the redevelopment of brownfield land, with exposure to land remediation. His interest lies in development facilitation through a multi-disciplinary approach, with specific emphasis on land beneficiation, precinct development, and brownfields land remediation and development.
He is the CEO of AL&A, a specialist Development and Project Management consultancy, and specialises in land sourcing, development conceptualisation, land beneficiation through management of environmental and planning applications, concept design, lease negotiations and project finance negotiations.
He has been the Chairperson of the Western Cape Property Development Forum since 2011 and still holds this position.
Deon is delivering his much anticipated annual address, and the industry’s response to Prof Nick Binedell’s opening address at the WCPDF Vision for Growth Conference on 20 May 2021. He is also the Master of Ceremonies on 21 May 2021.
James Vos is the Mayoral Committee Member for Economic Opportunities in the City of Cape Town. His portfolio comprises a combination of the Tourism, Enterprise and Investment Department with those of the City’s extensive Asset Management Departments which allows for important synergies and levers in driving economic growth in Cape Town.
He previously served as Member of Parliament in the National Assembly as the Shadow Minister of Tourism. Prior to this, he was elected as Councillor for nearly three consecutive terms and served in various capacities such as Portfolio Chairman and Sub-Council Chairman.
During his time as public representative, James received numerous civic awards such as the Melvin Jones Fellowship and International Merit Award, and was bestowed with Aldermanship, making him amongst the youngest to receive this life title.
James continues to work towards achieving inclusive economic growth, by strengthening partnerships with all stakeholders through a collaborative approach which provides a platform for the best ideas and initiatives that will work to improve the lives of residents through employment. James is further leveraging the City’s business systems and utilising smart real estate services to extract and maximize the economic and social return from City assets.
Ald Vos is participating in the collaboration to achieve growth panel discussion on 21 May 2021 following Lekha Allopi’s keynote address Creating a culture of growth-related decision-making where he is sharing the CITY OF CAPE TOWN’S VISION FOR GROWTH:
Sometimes it takes a crisis to spur on the actions required to trigger growth. In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, Ald Vos established the Economic Task Team which in turn led to the City of Cape Town’s Economic Action Plan. This plan intends for Ald Vos’s Enterpise and Investment Department within the City “… to use all levers at our disposal to ensure Cape Town remains regionally and globally competitive as we plot the road to recovery post-Covid-19.”
Ald Vos will briefly outline: how has this impacted on the City’s original vision? What was the vision prior to Covid-19 and has it changed or challenged the focus in any way? Has the crisis enabled the City to hone in on what its priorities need to be towards successful PPPs and economic growth? In other words, how do we collectively, public and private sector together, use all the levers at our disposal to ensure Cape Town remains regionally and globally competitive as we plot the road to recovery post-Covid-19.
John Matthews was born in Kensington, on the Cape Flats in 1964 and obtained his matric at Wittebome High School, Wynberg. He graduated from UCT with a B.Com degree in 1985 and embarked on an accounting career at Pinelands Development Company, the sister company to Garden Cities. In 1990 he joined Garden Cities and rose through the organisation to the position of CEO in 2002. Currently he holds the position of Group CEO within the Garden Cities group of companies.
Academically, he completed an MBA at UCT in 1997, specialising in Strategic Management. His areas of interest include the provision of housing and other social services to uplift the people of South Africa in a sustainable manner.
Other positions held by him are: CEO of the Archway Foundation, Member of the Building Industry Bargaining Council and Member of the Audit and Risk Committee of the University of the Western Cape.
He is the immediate past President of Master Builders South Africa and the current Chairperson of the Construction Alliance South Africa (CASA). CASA was officially set up in January 2021 following the success of the Construction Covid-19 Rapid Response Task Team (CC19RRTT) – an industry body created in April 2020 to lobby government to reopen construction sites and unblock relief measures for the sector – to continue uniting the collective voices of the industry and facilitate smooth dialogue with government. You can read more about CASA here.
John is participating in the economic policy for growth panel discussion on 21 May 2021 following Prof Kantor’s keynote address budgeting for growth at local municipal level where he is sharing A DEVELOPER’S PERSPECTIVE:
As the Group CEO of the Cape’s oldest and largest suburban development company, Gardens Cities, Mr Matthews will highlight what precisely the private sector would like to see in a municipal budget that will help the City of Cape Town stimulate growth, specifically through the proactive replacement and creation of new bulk infrastructure capacity.
Kevin Jacoby hails from the Eastern Cape and obtained a Master of Commerce degree in Economics (Cum Laude) at the Nelson Mandela University during 2012.
Since starting his career in municipal finance in 1990 Kevin Jacoby soon made his mark at both district and local level and at age 23 was one of the youngest people to be appointed to the positon of Chief Financial Officer at municipal level.
Kevin is currently the Chief Financial Officer for the City of Cape Town, a position he has occupied for 9 years. His responsibilities include Revenue Collections, Property Valuations, Budgeting, Supply Chain Management, Treasury, Expenditure and Grand Funding from the National and Provincial fiscus.
Kevin has over 30 years’ experience within local government with 27 years of this at executive management level. Under his leadership the City of Cape Town achieved 4 consecutive clean and unqualified audit reports from the Auditor General, one of the few metropolitan municipalities in South Africa to attain this distinction of excellence in finance governance. The balance (5) of the audit outcomes have been unqualified. In addition, the City has received the highest CA ratings possible for a Municipality in South Africa for all of the 9 years he has worked at the City.
In his spare time, he enjoys welding and mountain biking where he regularly competes in the biggest and most grueling stage race in the world, the ABSA Cape Epic.
Kevin is participating in the economic policy for growth panel discussion on 21 May 2021 following Prof Kantor’s keynote address budgeting for growth at local municipal level where he is sharing A LOCAL MUNICIPALITY’S PERSPECTIVE:
Kevin will talk about the approach that the City of Cape Town is taking to how the City is budgeting for growth into the future. With Cape Town being the only Metro that is financially viable, Mr Jacoby will also elaborate on how the City intends to find the balanced budget it requires not only to stimulate growth but to stay financially viable in the years to come.
Lekha Allopi is a qualified and registered Town and Regional Planner and holds a Masters in Town and Regional Planning.
Lekha is in the current employ of the eThekwini Municipality. Over the past years she has managed the Land Use Management Branch; and has since had the opportunity to join the Catalytic Project Office delivering some of the largest and most complex developments within the City. She has since returned to the Planning Department and again manages and drives some of the most complex projects within the City.
With over 30 years of solid statutory planning, Lekha was also the writer of the first ever Planning Bylaw for the City of Durban. Her strengths lie in integrated planning and managing large and complex projects. She also has strong facilitation skills, is highly creative and innovative and is a passionate Planner.
Lekha will be delivering the keynote address on CREATING A CULTURE OF GROWTH-RELATED DECISION-MAKING during the collaboration to achieve growth conference session on 21 May 2021:
The eThekwini Municipality has been lauded for its forward-thinking integrated planning and implementation of its strategies. Over the past few years, in her management capacity in terms of the municipality’s Land Use Management Branch, and more recently having joined the Catalytic Project Office, Mrs Allopi will provide a brief overview of how eThekwini developed its 2030 vision for both the planning of numerous complex projects but in particular how the municipality has been able to successful move from planning and procurement to rollout, thus creating a culture for decision making, delivery and growth.
Professor Nick Binedell is a professor in the area of strategy and leadership at the Gordon Institute of Business Science of the University of Pretoria.
He was the founding Dean of GIBS (2000-2015).
After a career in business, including a period as a general manager, he began an academic path. He completed his PhD at the University of Washington in Seattle.
He was invited to establish a new business school for the University of Pretoria to be based in Johannesburg, South Africa. His mandate was to establish a world class business school that would meet the needs of the 21st century for South African business and business leaders.
Professor Binedell’s key area of interest is in the area of strategic leadership with particular focus on strategy in complex environments. He is a frequent public speaker in South Africa and abroad, is a visiting lecturer at the Rotterdam School of Management (for the past 18 years) and has been a consultant to companies in South Africa and internationally. He was recently a visiting Professor at London Business School.
In June 2015 the Academy of International Business elected him as global Business Educator of the year.
Prof Binedell is delivering the opening address at the WCPDF Vision for Growth Conference on 20 May 2021 on THE IMPORTANCE OF STARTING WITH A VISION:
Whether we’re talking about a business, a government department, a province or even a municipality, a vision is the binding factor that holds all strategies for growth together. It drives collectively and individually the actions of all employees, the leadership and indeed the stakeholders. Everything needs to be measured and tested against this vision, and until this is in place, it is impossible to plan adequately for viable economic acceleration. It’s a bit like expecting production without having built the factory in the first place. If you don’t invest in the factory, how can you expect a production pipeline?
In terms of the growth of a municipality or a province, a vision also needs to be multi-dimensional and detailed, outlining every layer in the spatial planning. Where will new commercial nodes be developed? How will areas around transit nodes be developed? Where will densification take place? Are bulk infrastructure capacities, water, sewerage treatments work, electricity and landfill and recycling sites available to accommodate growth and sustainability? How do we break down governmental silos and enable critical but indeed actually very complementary departments to work together towards a central and unified growth vision? How do we formulate effective new policies if we have no idea where we are headed? Why is the over-emphasis on clean audits and compliance (a major stumbling block within the City of Cape Town) allowed to continue when it not only stifles any hope of growth but causes fear mongering among City officials to such an extent that paralysis sets in.
Prof Miriam Altman is a strategist, economist, business person and social activist, and has served in leadership roles driving significant transformation. Her professional life has focused on framing and executing scalable high impact solutions to economic development challenges. She served as a Commissioner in the National Planning Commission in the South African Presidency (2010 to 2021): in the NPC’s second term, she led its work on the economy, infrastructure, employment and education. As a Director at Altman Advisory, she supports governments and companies in their economic and commercial strategies. To date, this has involved African market development in e-commerce, education technology, electrical hardware, tourism and communications. She is currently leading the development of the SA Government’s National Infrastructure Plan for 2045. As the Head of Strategy at Telkom, she was responsible for crafting and orchestrating its turnaround and continues to be deeply engaged in digital transformation.
Miriam has a BA in economics from McGill University, an MPhil from the University of Cambridge and a PhD in economics from the University of Manchester. She is an Adjunct Professor at University of Cape Town, a 4IR Professor of Practice at the University of Johannesburg, and is associated with Tsinghua and Fudan University. Miriam has produced more than 100 publications and her work can be found at www.miriamaltman.com
Prof Altman will be delivering the keynote address on PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE DELIVERY TO SUPPORT AND STIMULATE ECONOMIC GROWTH AND JOB CREATION during the creating capacity for growth conference session on 20 May 2021:
Prof Altman’s experience framing and executing scalable high impact solutions to economic development challenges, with many notable examples relevant to the property development and construction sector, make her well placed to discuss progress made in vital infrastructure delivery and the steps needed to ensure greater impact on the Built Environment and SA’s growth trajectory.
Vikashnee Harbhajan is the Executive Director of Master Builders KwaZulu-Natal. She is an admitted Attorney and Conveyancer of the High Court of South Africa, holds a Master’s degree in law and is currently enrolled for a PHD in construction. Vikashnee has held several senior positions including designations at the National Economic Development and Labour Council (NEDLAC) and Business Unity South Africa (BUSA).
She has also gained experience on several Boards and Councils and currently serves on the KwaZulu-Natal Human Resource Development Council and Master Builders South Africa (MBSA) Board. She is also the Convener of Construction Alliance South Africa (CASA) and a member of the Institute of Directors (IOD).
In 2016, the Association of Schools of Construction of Southern Africa (ASOCSA) awarded Vikashnee with the ASOCSA Leadership Award for demonstrating consistent, ethical and exemplary leadership in the broader construction industry. In 2017, she received recognition at the CEO Global – Africa’s most influential women in business and government as the recipient of the Country Award, SADC Regional Award and the Africa Continental Award in the Agencies and Regulatory Authorities Sector.
Vikashnee is the Master of Ceremonies on the first day of the WCPDF Vision for Growth Conference on 20 May 2021.
Xander Rau’s career to date includes project and development management positions within residential, retail, industrial and commercial fields in South Africa, Namibia and the United Kingdom including landmark developments like the Merrill Lynch European HQ in London whilst working for Mace Ltd. Xander’s previous position before joining VDMV was as Regional Development Manager for the coastal region at Redefine Properties Ltd. Xander obtained a BSc Construction Management degree from the University of Pretoria.
Xander is participating in the collaboration to achieve growth panel discussion on 21 May 2021 following Lekha Allopi’s keynote address creating a culture of growth-related decision-making where he is sharing his views on A WESTERN CAPE SUCCESS STORY:
Opened in March 2017, the R60 million R300/Bottelary Interchange not only successfully alleviated congestion around the Kuilsriver area, it was the result of a highly successful collaboration between the City of Cape Town, Western Cape Government and Sanral, in partnership with Shoprite Checkers and VDMV Property Group who each contributed R5 million to the project through their development facilitation fees. As a partner at VDMV, Mr Rau will briefly outline the process that led to the realisation of the project (originally conceptualised under the City’s Organisational Development Transformation Plan), highlighting the important role that each party played, as well as the challenges and wins along the way. This includes the broader picture of how the area around the interchange has itself boomed as a result of the project – a boom which would never have occurred where it not for the excellent collaboration and investment that that took place.